by Orla Straz | January 17, 2021 | Construction of houses, Livestock
We are starting another year of helping terrorism victims. We have smoothly moved on to 2021 and already managed to help the first family. But I will begin with what we promised before the end of the last year, namely with good news from the building sites of new...
by Orla Straz | December 20, 2019 | Eaglewatch in Iraq, Livestock, Urgent cases
Sometimes we need to help thousands of people, another time it is just one person We have already come back home and immediately got back to work. Now we need to write financial statements for our projects and make preparations for other activities. We have already...
by Orla Straz | November 16, 2019 | Livestock
By the end of the year, 180 families will have received livestock At the end of September we started the largest project in Eaglewatch history. Until the end of the year, we will have built crofts and provided livestock to 180 families from Sinjar, Bashiqi, (Iraq) a...
by Orla Straz | October 14, 2019 | Eaglewatch in Iraq, Great job, Livestock, Stories of survivors
Help is needed immediately I will start the second part of the report from our visit to Iraq by completing the previous article. In a few words, I will tell you a story of one of the families which last year received livestock from us. Gawri and her children – two...
by Orla Straz | October 11, 2019 | Eaglewatch in Iraq, Livestock
We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. This title hides the essence of my feelings after the first visit to Iraq this year. It has been my sixth trip which at the same time strengthens my conviction that I have seen very little. Every single trip...
by Orla Straz | March 12, 2019 | Livestock
The summary of the project of the purchase of livestock In December, when we went to Iraq last time, we visited some of the families that we provided with livestock. We asked them several questions to make a short summary and to find out how support in this form has...