Support us
Financial help
When making a donation you support the Eaglewatch Foundation in its actions to restore the lives of terrorism victims in the Middle East.
Bank transfer details
Fundacja Orla Straż
Bartników street 12, 84-207 Bojano
Accounts for currencies donations:
EUR: 35 1020 1853 0000 9802 0294 3082
USD: 40 1020 1853 0000 9602 0294 3090
SWIFT/BIC: BPKOPLPW IBAN: PL + account number
Account for donations in Polish Złoty:
06 1020 1853 0000 9102 0294 3074
Donate with PayPal

You can also support us while shopping online.
Go to website and choose a store of your liking. There are more than a thousand stores to select from, including the most popular ones offering books, household equipment, clothes, furniture, etc. The largest online shopping platforms are also accessible.
Next select ‘Orla Straz’ (Eaglewatch) from the list of available organizations and go to the store you have chosen. You do not need to log in to the portal. Just click ‘Kontynuuj bez logowania’ (Continue without login) and you will be automatically transferred to the store’s website. A percentage of any amount spent will be donated to our foundation. It does not cost you anything.
In addition, you can make use of sales and discount cards available in the: okazje folder.
Spread the word
The more people find out about the fate of terrorism victims in the Middle East and the Eaglewatch Foundation’s work, the more help we will be able to provide to those in need.
We encourage you to inform your friends and family about the foundation and the communities it supports. Please visit our website, follow our blog and Facebook posts and share them on social media platforms. If necessary, we can provide informational materials (posters, leaflets, etc.).