The Eaglewatch in Iraq – August 2019, part 2
The Eaglewatch’s August trip to Iraq is coming to an end. It was the first one this year, but definitely not the last.
The main purpose of our trips is to help us familirize ourselves with problems of people we are helping and the situation in whic they have found themselves. We go there to neither work phisically (later showing it off on the social media) nor to personally supervise projects that we provide funds for. All these things are done by the people we cooperate with, hence we spend time with them and build mutual trust. Many foundations send their employees to spend many months in Iraq or other countries of their operation. This generates enormous costs, which include things such as accommodation, residence, training and salaries.
We are trying to avoid that, at the same time being up to date with the needs of communities that we support. I do not want to generalize (because that is not always the case) but what differentiates us from others is that we simply like the people whom we are helping.
After observing the work of others, we will later share with you our conclusions regarding similarities and differences when it comes to our perception of humanitarian aid.
Now I will say a few words about the second part of a raport sent from Iraq by Barterk, and, among others, about assistance provided by the Children Aid Foundation in Żywiec (CAF). The founder of (CAF), dr Krzysztof Błecha and his daughter Dorota are part of the Eaglewatch Foundation’s team, and they have very actively participated in the last trip to Iraq.
Despite the August sun, every road in Iraq has its shadow. We reached it during the second part of our trip.
On the one hand we look at our successful projects which have helped specific families, and that gives us hope. On the other, we speak to a woman whose four children died in the camp, and the other five suffer from haemophilia. One of them is currently staying in the hospital in serious condition. The West sends them a drug reimbursed by the Iraqi government, with great profit. Such medicines are given to people who do not even have a fridge to store them. But no one worries about that. Medication receipt has been signed. We have bought them a fridge. At least that could be done.
Next we visited a small camp forgotten by all.
Forty four Yazidi and Muslim families that fled the genocide live here far away from the world. Currently they receive no support whatsoever. The territory they fled from is still covered with land mines. They support themselves doing odd jobs, sometimes receiving charity from the church as well. What they need most are cleaning products, especially for children. We went shopping and every family living in Zavoita Camp (Bablo Camp) received a significant support. The purchase was sponsored by the invaluable Children Aid Foundation in Żywiec represented by Krzysztof and Dorota, supervised online by its chairwoman Renata.
Before leaving we asked what the biggest problem was.
It turned out it was the lack of the most basic fire-fighting equipment causing people living in camps burn alive in the summer. We left the money that we managed to collect on the last day before departure for the purchase of fire extinguishers used against electrical fires.To sum up, the people’s largest need is to have a job, to keep basic hygiene, and to avoid being burned alive.
We are going to see other families supported through the Great Job projects.
At the moment, a few dozens of families are waiting for support that will be provided after new workplaces are opened.
A night before departure, I talk until late to people from Sinjar during a teleconference because the Iraqi authorities have refused us visa which would make it possible to visit places where our projects are implemented.
Greetings from Iraq
See also
The Eaglewatch in Iraq – August 2019, part 1
Several days ago Bartek Rutkowski and the team went to Iraqi Kurdistan.